Tuesday 14 March 2017

Target Audience

Having been to a 1975 gig at Reading Festival, I can personally attest to the fact that the bulk of the fanbase consists of teenage girls. However, as males we were not totally out of place, with smatterings of men being visible throughout the arena. The 1975 with their image & marketing are quite clearly aimed at a young crowd, but also a mature crowd. Their songs and image, although drawing from bubblegum pop & disco vibes, lay atop a more grungy, unromantic theme, with copious references to drugs & sex throughout their songs & videos. 'UGH!' is hardly different; the topic of the lyrics quite clearly referencing cocaine & addiction. It's an odd mixture of cynicism & toe-tapping rhythms.

Targeting our Audience through marketing:
The subtlety & grunginess of the 1975 does not translate that well into a form of attention-drawing advertisement. Our posters & artwork must be bright and brash. Throughout he video, we've decided to stick to a very limited colour pallette of hot pink & dark blue. We will make our advertisement the same colours in order to make a clear association between the all promotional material, including the video, posters & artwork. Essentially, the colours will serve as our 'motif/logo' or trademark feature, because we have discussed & decided that the mind focuses and remembers bold colours & associates them more readily than shapes and motifs.  For example, think of the tech company Apple. Immediately the mind conjures up images and colours of sleek, shiny whites & greys. Kit-Kats are always red & fruit pastilles are green. All of these products have a specific colour, which they plaster on everything from logos to packaging and advertisement. We will use the same concept for instant 'brand recognition'. Our choice of neon pink creates images of grungy nightclubs, nightclub culture & drug culture, but also simultaneously being eye-catching and fresh, without being 'girly'.

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